Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Survival Foods - Let Down

Saw this in the store the other day and thought, "Alright! I totally want to do a review on that!" Unfortunately my paranoia about ingredients kept me from buying it. One of the things I avoid more than anything else is MSG and let me tell you it's getting harder and harder to do so. Most often labeled by its full name: Monosodium Glutamate, it's a "flavor enhancer" and thickening agent. But it's also incredibly bad for you. Then again what isn't bad for you in the everyday U.S. diet?
Anyway, it was just a bummer and let down because I was actually kind of excited about this because it looked pretty good and a little different from the usual canned stuff I see.

Well... back to the search I suppose...

(Also see: Food Storage - Purchasing Habits)


  1. Just so you know, you can buy Green Curry Powder and mix it with a can of tuna and get the exact same thing without MSG. Maybe add a little bit of coconut milk to thicken it--but it probably won't need anything besides the tuna juices.

  2. Good suggestion. I'll have to give a try. I own Curry Powder and Red Curry Paste, but not Green Curry Powder. Guess that'll be my next purchase. Thanks!
